
Showing posts from November, 2019

Smile for the Gif!

Hello everyone! It turns out you can make .gif files in Photoshop, so I made this little pixel smile gif, now, "GIF" it a hug! Yes, gif it a hug, what's with all the puns on here recently anyways? Any-anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I'm still at 0 followers, so oof me I guess... ...oofity, oof oof... Not responsible for constant puns in this blog... maybe.

The Dicey Block

Hey, I'm feeling " D I C E "y today, yeah enough of " R O L L I N G " out puns of dice blocks. Anyways, here's a dice block which highlights stuff about me! AND   before you ask, YES ... I have a channel, you should watch my videos, I have only like 9 subscribers, so yeah it sucks. But hey, we can't all be " ROLLING SIXES " =) Also if you need it, it's AirWay1 for the channel.

Da Ultimate Face Reveal (sort of?)

HELLO Whoops, I mean hello! I'm back ~ and just in time! I got a picture and a face reveal in one go, so here goes nothing! My ultimate, artsy, face reveal !

Mr. Bean in 1970

Let us travel back in history, where fonts like this were used... That a big bean And before you ask, yes, that is indeed Mr. Bean, but he kind of isn't? Anyways, let us travel back to present day...

Shrek, but it's worst than before

Remember the Shrek image I edited? If not, this is it: Yeah it's pretty awkward on it's own... But it gets worst, behold, the abomination of trying to use layer masks "professionally" And before you ask, yes, that is the Dreamworks logo on there, on his big head. Thanks for viewing, and see you on the next post! =)


In expectations, school is a "Quiet" place to work and "Learn", but what if you combine the two unreal realities? Behold: