Company Trademark Logos or Something I Don't Know
Howdy! Companies are rad, they make great products out of stuff. Their names stick out like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches do. Of course, why stick with a boring Ariel font name for a logo, obviously that sucks. Sure, name unique and all, but like, it doesn't stick out. Imagine if the McDonald's logo was straight Ariel text like some dude on MS Paint made that, wouldn't look too good wouldn't it?
And now, after the boring text bubble that was me telling you why companies are rad, I bring ya the big bucks.
Basically we were supposed to pick five names and make something out of them. So I choose five and made them like that. All of them doesn't need explaining. It's cool. Anyways, I'm gonna head out into the void and will see you in the next post when I smash my head on the keyboard and make something worthwhile.
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