Lego Steam boi

Hello my friends, it's me, AGAIN. This time, I have something new and unexpected, so turn on some epic trailer music and read this:

From the Creator of wait what are we doing?

Brought to you by: seriously, what are we doing?


The Lego Dude
Oh you could've said that before!

It's already out

So go see it, like a boss...

Alright, enough trailer talk, let's see the thing!

Eh... it's a little less than expected... but I'm too lazy so don't blame me for my disease. But anyways, I'm bored, school's almost over for two weeks, so I'm still gonna be slowly dying inside for at least another 2 months so bye bye people of the internet who happened to stumble upon this crap.

Oh, and don't click this ;) :

You clicked it didn't you?

Edit: Nay, we made it to 30 whole posts, about whatever in life, big thumbs up to whoever managed to read all 30 posts as they are released. And also, I had to replace yay with nay, thanks Google dictionary!